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Chaos Theory

Bleached Az

Mobile Arcade Game Fighting Climate Change

An App Preview of Bleached Az, a Game Developed by Sydney based studio Chaos Theory Games
When Beached Az washed up on our shores in 2008 the viral Aussie cartoon series gained 30 million views worldwide. 10-ish years later the original creators are back and full of unwavering social purpose.

In celebration of their Beached Aziversary, the original creators and Chaos Theory launched Bleached Az the mobile game - a hilariously entertaining arcade game helping to 'kuck the shut' out of global warming.

We were presented with

The Challenge

The original creators were set to launch the newest installment to the Beached Az franchise, dedicated to the promoting ocean health awareness and addressing climate change issues.

We jumped at the opportunity to team up to create a game for good that motivates players to actively contribute to environmental conservation through an interactive and engaging new platform.

That became

The Solution

Classic Twist on New Characters

Drawing on the classic and absurd humour from the Beached Az universe, we designed new, unforgettable characters.

The outlandish, yet relatable personification of the corals allowed us to raise awareness and address serious issues within the game in a way that would resonate with our audience.

Voiced by the original creators, Tony, Pete and Oscar are full of witty NZ & Aussie banter, depressing ocean facts and confrontational, social commentary to keep players entertained for hours.
Hopeless corals, Tony, Pete and Oscar from Bleached Az. Cover photo for Bleached Az the mobile arcade game, developed by Chaos Theory
GIF of the hopeless corals, Tony, Pete and Oscar from Bleached Az. Bleached Az the mobile arcade game, developed by Chaos Theory

Play for Free, We Plant a Tree

In partnership with Carbon Neutral, with 20% of in-game revenue going towards their ‘Plant-a-Tree’ Program to help combat climate change.

We aimed to educate players and bring awareness to the adverse effect of climate change through the in-game carbon absorption meter as it serves as a reminder for players of their tangible impact.

We empowered players to take positive action towards solving real-world issues and encouraged them share their progress on social media.

Refreshing, Exclusive Content

Set to launch same day as the game, Beached Az Season 3, the educational spin-off series Teached Az and exclusive new videos were included in the mobile game.

In order to amplify and drive the social message througout the wider campaign, we interwove the video content as rewards for players to unlock by leveling up and achieving high scores.
Screenshot from Beached Az Episode 2: Bleached Az featuring the bleached coral and sea horse from Beached Az cartoon

Which led to

The Results

Best Serious Game 2019

Awarded Best Serious Game at the Australian Game Developer Awards (AGDAs) 2019
Chaos Theory's Executive Producer James Lockrey, Senior Producer Ryan Penning and Software Developer Rory Dungan accepting the Best Serious Game 2019 for Bleached Az at the Australian Game Developer Awards 2019 (AGDAs)
Carbon Neutral's Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor, the trees purchased through the Plant-A-Tree Program are planted here

250+ Trees Planted

Player's have planted 250+ trees since October 2019. That's approximately 43,000 kgs of CO2 to be absorbed from the atmosphere!

4.9 Star Rating

Overwhelming positive ratings and
reviews across iOS and Android
Bleached Az game play on iOS, screenshots of the hopeless corals Tony, Pete and Oscar. Mobile Arcade Game developed by Chaos Theory
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