1. Setting Objectives
After contacting our team, we work together to understand your needs and set clear objectives before signing on.
1 Week +
2. Planning for Success
Work begins by developing the strategy into a roadmap for how we will achieve the objectives and measure success.
2 Weeks +
3. Developing a Winner
During development, you will be in constant contact with our team, and receive a new prototype every two weeks.
4 Weeks +
4. Supporting Growth
After finishing development, we are available to monitor and support the live project, ensuring long term success.
As long as it takes!
For today's entrepreneurs that want to change the world, kickstart your next project with our latest eBook: Create Games That Solve Problems.
Discover tips & tricks from industry experts, essential game design tools, and a behaviour change framework that will help you solve real-world problems with the power of games.
1. Setting Objectives
After contacting our team, we work together to understand your needs and set clear objectives. (before signing on)
1 Week +
2. Planning for Success
Work begins by developing the strategy and mapping out how we will achieve the objectives and measure success.
2 Weeks +
3. Developing a Winner
During development, you will be in constant contact with our team, and receive a new prototype every two weeks.
4 Weeks +
4. Supporting Growth
After finishing development, we are available to monitor and support the live project, ensuring long term success.
As long as it takes!